I’m trying to break some of my updates and videos up a bit so they aren’t so long (as well as speeding up the videos a bit).
I found some tips by Larry Larson on his website http://wirejockrv7a.blogspot.com/ Specifically his tips for Dimple tokens. I wanted to make sure I countersunk my spars correctly so I just make a few tokens to start with. They turned out pretty good and I need to finish making the set (as well as putting them on a keyring). I thought I took some video while I make the tokens, but can’t seem to locate it. (I’m really behind on my updates at the moment).
Countersunk all the necessary holes in both the front and rear spars (checking with the tokens along the way). Mounted the nose ribs and riveted them into place. I found that using one of the inspar ribs to pull the skin together helped a bit, but even still needed to cut a piece of vinyl tubing to help get the skin and rib flange to sit tight together. (This is hard to explain but is discussed in more detail in this tread on VAF, as well as photos here)
I installed the front spar and inspar ribs and blind riveted the ribs to the spar as appropriate. Finished up with clecoing the skins to the ribs before starting to rivet everything into place.