With the rear spar completed, I began laying out the top wing skins. I located the j-stiffeners that I drilled earlier in the project as well as the wing walk doublers. I initially clecoed the doublers to the ribs, but realized that wasn’t helpful as the skin goes over them. I then use my trusty broom handle to remove the blue film off the skins and and start to cleco the skins to the wing.
Once I have the wings clecoed every other hole, I ensure that the wing root holes are properly marked for #19 and begin to final drill #40 everything using my reamer. I then go back and shift all the clecos one space then drill the other holes.
Off-Camera I get some assistance in moving the wings around so I can then start to prep the other wing skin and attach it to the other wing. Cleco / Drill / shift clecos / finis drilling. Nothing new or crazy so far. I do realize I could use another countersink cage and order one so I can countersink the #19 holes. I don’t plan to dimple or countersink until I deburr and prime the skins.