After getting some feedback during my recent Tech Counselor visit, I had a few items to address on my rear spar (some rivets that needed attention). I started off by re-checking all of the rivets on my rear spar to make sure they were in-spec. For those that were out of spec or “marginal” I went ahead and drilled them out or if they were not set enough I marked them with tape so I could hit them with the rivet gun. Once everything was drilled out, I had a few places where I scratched the primer. I used a die grinder with a scotchbright pad to clean up those areas, then I mixed up some primer to touch-up the spar.
Once the primer had dried for a bit I went ahead and started replacing the rivets I removed as well as setting the rivets that were slightly underset from earlier.
I then jump ahead in time and work on the other rear spar. I have one rivet I needed to replace on my main spar that I quickly take care of, then I’m moving forward with attaching the rear spar and riveting it on. (I’m marking those holes that I DO NOT want to rivet with blue tape). Once again I still muck up a rivet or 7, so I’m always fixing things, but generally doing a better job. I sped up some of the end of the video as it’s not exciting watching someone rivet.