Fuel Tank – Part 5

Ok, so I’m officially sick and tired of proseal. With that said, I’m walking away from it for a few months before I finish up the fuel tanks.

With that said, I now have two mostly completed fuel tanks and once all the pro-seal cures, I can begin leak testing. I’m going to give the tanks a few months so that I have warmer weather before I start leak testing. (Honestly that is an excuse so I don’t have to mix any proseal for a bit).

I did my best to film the whole process this time as it takes MULTIPLE sessions to get this done. I bounced back and forth between wet-setting things in one session and allowing the proseal to set with the ribs fully clecoed in place. Also I had one LUCKY mistake when back-riveting the stiffeners. I did not mark or bend the skin, but drove the rivet into my table as I missed the backing plate.

I also started to rivet the ribs in the wrong order, but caught myself and only had to clean up a little proseal. Not a huge deal and I’m sure if I did install that rib first it would have been fine.

Lastly I realized I installed the fuel vent line incorrectly on my right tank. I missed there are two sets of holes that you can use to run the fuel vent line. The one closest to the nose is the correct one and makes life so much easier. The other set of holes is for the fuel to get to the fuel pickup. I have a feeling I’ll need to “fix” my right wing before I seal it up. (will also need to muck with my fuel float again. GROAN!). Not an impossible fix but have to think it though. EDIT: no dummy, fuel vent is on the top of the wing. I’ll still have to look to see if there is any good reason to re-route the vent line before I seal up the tank. Currently leaning towards leaving it alone.

I’m also really happy with my ductless mini-split system. With almost 8″ of snow outside I was still able to finish up my fuel tank in a t-shirt and be quite comfortable. Anyway, now it’s time to clean up the shop and get the flaps and ailerons before the fuselage shows up!

Fuel Tanks – Part 4

With the fuselage on order and a deadline to get the garage ready, time to get into gear and make progress. Granted we are now in prime holiday season and family is the higher priority over building, so this it’s more of the same get a few mins here and there to keep making progress.

Decided to bundle all of the prep for the right tank into a single video even if that made for a slightly longer wait / longer timelapse. Nothing special or different from the left tank. Deburr edges, install the structure and match drill. once fully assembled, take it all apart and start deburring.

I did make updated tank / leading edge cradle based on the plans finally. It did help a little with getting the ribs to line up. (also needed another cradle anyway).

Got all the parts dimpled and ready to begin final assembly. The only thing I did slightly differently was I didn’t install the nutplates for the Zee’s yet as I’m still deciding on if / how I’m going to prime the tank. I also am waiting to mount any of the shims to the tank attach bracket until I decide on priming. (after I leak test the tank).

Just like the left tank, I also installed a fuel return port. Slow but somewhat steady progress.

Fuselage and other items to order

With the end of the year approaching and the wings not completely finished, I have been trying to determine when I needed to start ordering the next few pieces of my kit.  While I am a little behind on my personal schedule, I’m also need something to keep me motivated.  With that in mind, I finally decided to pull the trigger and order the Fuselage Kit.

Earlier this year (maybe in August or September) I heard that Paul at Approach Control was doing another batch of his pedals.  After trading a few e-mails with him, I was able to put down a deposit on a set of RV-10 Approach Control pedals.  The only issue was that since I didn’t have my fuselage kit, I didn’t have master cylinders to send him.  He was able to work with me and hold my pedals set until my fuselage was ordered / delivered.  He also sent me a list of items to remove from the kit that I wouldn’t need.

In addition to removing some of the pedal parts, I also removed the windows and winscreen from my order and will order a set of Cee Bailey windows (maybe later this summer).  Not sure if that was a great idea or not, but have heard good things about the Cee Bailey windows and ease of install.  

I also decided to add in a few extra stock items in my fuse order since I’m already getting a large box.  Some extra piano hinge for installing the wingtips, extra aluminum angle  “just in case”, and a few other smaller items. 

In addition I had ordered the FlyLeds “the works” kit a few weeks ago.  I didn’t remember getting a shipping notice and was very happy when I found the package at my door the other day.  This include the wingtip landing led lights so I’ll end up having both the duckworks and the FlyLed lights.  It may be overkill, but that’s what I’m doing.    

Now my biggest problem is physical space in my garage and what needs to move or get completed so I’ll be ready when the truck shows up with the fuselage!  Nothing like a deadline to get you motivated, right?

UPDATE: I had also ordered the flap position system, however I realized after that this is not needed if you are going with a G3X and GAD27 system (built-in!). Looks like I have to return my first part to Vans 🙁 Already have the Ray Allen POS-12 on order to make it all work!

Landing Lights – Part 3

With everything primed, I was able to begin assembly of all the components for the right wing landing light.  The first steps were to rivet the landing light bracket together.  Next I have to but a slight bend in the bracket where the lens will sit.  I pull out my bench vise and duck bill pliers to quickly get this done.  Next I start to assemble all the parts for the lens brackets.  

Once the brackets were assembled and the top bracket was installed on the wing, it was time to take a deep breath and trim the plexi to size.  One thing I’ll note is that I probably cut my lens too narrow as I didn’t understand how it was going to fit into the hole.  For the other wing, I’ll try to keep the lens near the 6.5″ width if possible.  This may not be a huge deal, but worst case I’ll spend the $15 + shipping for another lens. 

Lots of small cuts later, I have a lens that is just about the right size.  I did end up putting in a small shim to help get a good tight seal, but not sure if that was 100% necessary.  I’ll hold off judgement till I begin final assembly at the airport!

With the lens cut, I decide it’s time to move the leading edge onto the wing.  The timelapse is amusing to me as I decided not to ask for any help.  In the end I was able to slide the leading edge onto the wing spar and cleco into place.  Once that was done, I removed the clecos and used the uni-bit to make the hole for the tie-down bolt.   I made it 11/16, just like the tail-cone, but that could be too big if you want the bolt to snug to the skin.  While I didn’t do it intentionally , that seemed to be just the right size if you use the Cleaveland tie-down bolts.  I may 3d print a flange to hold stacked washers or something if I decide to go a different way in the future.

Lastly I take a LONG time to trim the landing light bracket to hold my Baja light.  I was MUCH happier with right side vs the left as my first attempt was not as square as I wanted.  Oh well.  

Wings – Odds and Ends

Well, I’m getting to the point where I was expecting that I would be putting in my fuselage order, however I’m not quite as far along as I wanted to be.  Granted, working on the wings is a slog and at points I really need a second set of hands.  I was spending a number of weekends working on my IR this year, and spending time with the family.  Overall it’s been pretty busy, but I’ve accomplished a lot outside of my -10 build.  

So looking at what I still need to get done, and the calendar, I realized I’m running out of opportunities to prime parts.  Amazingly there was a forecast day of 60+ degree weather with average humidity.  Decided I needed to just knock out a few things including priming. 

I revisited the rivets on the outer leading edge that my EAA tech counselor pointed out and marked which ones needed to be drilled out or just get another hit with the rivet gun.  Then with the help of the wife moved the wing so I could get access to the skin followed by fixing all the “problem” rivets on the OLE.  

Prep for the skin was pretty easy.  Verified that all the holes were deburred, edges were deburred and used my orbital sander to give a slight scarf on the skin edge per the plans.  (I was not super aggressive so I’m sure the joint will be visible.  Honestly don’t think it’s a big deal).  Then using a ScotchBright pad and the orbital sander, I lightly scuffed the whole skin.  

Next I prep all the landing light parts.  Mask off the front of the light housing to be more reflective?  Not sure it’s helpful, but I like the way it looks I guess.  (Sorry didn’t film the priming, but it’s just a wipedown with acetone followed by AKZO spray primer outside).