After getting all the parts for the HS deburred in the previous update and a nice break in the weather, I started to get the parts ready for priming. Due to the chance of some storms later that day, I decided to skip the wet-scrub and just scuff the parts with a regular scotch-bright pad, followed by cleaning with Acetone. This was slightly less messy and allowed me to move faster through the prep of the parts. Once the Acetone and air-filter went on, the kids had to go inside.
Just as I mixed the AKZO, the weather started to look threatening. I thought for sure all that AKZO was going to be wasted, but luckily things held off and I was not only able to spray all the ribs and stringers, but had enough time to scrub down the skins and get them primed as well.
After that I had to go back and dimple the skins and all the parts. One suggestion – Double check that all the holes on the skin that should be dimpled are actually dimpled. Later on I realized I somehow missed a single dimple. It happens, and you can kinda fix it, but it’s better to just dimple it correctly the first time.
I think part of the problem was I didn’t do all the skins in one sitting and decided to start to assemble a few parts before I finished all the dimpling.