So I decided that my next challenge is going to be the fuel tanks. A few months ago I began to do some searches on different fuel caps as I was thinking I wanted to upgrade to locking fuel caps. I got a set of the standard caps in my wing kit, but began to think that I wanted to purchase locking caps as an upgrade. After giving a call to Vans to verify what I needed to purchase I learned that all kits in the future will be upgraded to the locking caps by default. (Don’t quote me on this but this is the impression I got as they needed to look up my kit number to see what size fuel caps they sent me.)
Top Skins – Part 2
So this is really the time when you need a rivet buddy. I know others will tell me they were able to do it all by themselves, but honestly I didn’t want to make too many errors trying to do it myself. The result was that it took almost 2 months for me to complete the top skin on the right wing.
Some observations and things I’ll do differently on the left wing.
- As nice as backriveting looks, I’m not going to do that again. I feel like I drilled out too many rivets that just didn’t set correctly with the back-rivet set. Most likely due to me not being good at using the offset back rivet set, or do to the fact there is limited space to set these rivets.
- Do more rivets myself when possible. Basically a there are some areas that you can rivet solo (near the rear spar and on the outboard and inboard ends).
IFR checkride – passed!
After fits and starts I finally completed my IFR training and passed my checkride the other day.
The reality hasn’t settled in and it feels a bit different vs getting your private. I’m looking forward to filing IFR for my XC flights.
Learning to fly instruments was hard, at least for me but I’m glad I did it. I’ll be calling my insurance agent soon to update my policy and see what that does to my rate.
This also means that I or have more time to build since I’m not trying to fit two flight lessons in each week. Almost done with the top skin for my wing and hope to make more progress shortly.
More excuses -slow progress
Well, I’m sure other builders go through periods where nothing is really getting done for one reason or another. My right wing has been sitting on my workbench for a few weeks now as I try to find time in my schedule to work on it, as well as find time to get a friend to help out.
I know others have had limited success bucking the wing skin on solo, but honestly I would rather wait and back-rivet. I’m also finding that back-riveting itself has been a little difficult as the wing ribs don’t really allow me to get square to the rivet easily (even with my borrowed off-set back rivet set – Thanks Jeff I’m hoping to return it to you soon?!?! I didn’t forget and hope to see your -10 at the Chapter house this weekend!)
I did get my buddy out last night and made significant progress. I have a handful of rivets I need to drill out as they smeared or fell over a bit. I tried not to let that get to me, but I swear I’m just not getting the consistent results I typically get.
Top Wing Skin – Part 1
With the rear spar completed, I began laying out the top wing skins. I located the j-stiffeners that I drilled earlier in the project as well as the wing walk doublers. I initially clecoed the doublers to the ribs, but realized that wasn’t helpful as the skin goes over them. I then use my trusty broom handle to remove the blue film off the skins and and start to cleco the skins to the wing. Read more