Landing Lights – Part 1

I think I mentioned this in an earlier post, but I decided I was going to go ahead and get the DuckWorks leading edge landing light kit.  Others I talked to were trying to put their landing lights in the wingtips (FlyLeds now offers this as an option!) but I ended up deciding that the leading edge design was good for me.

I purchased the “blank” kit from Duckworks as I planned on mounting one of the Baja Designs LED light kits.  After a bit of debate, I did purchase one of the Squandron Pro lights so I could do all the fabrication necessary for both wings.  I’m holding off purchasing the second Squadron Pro until a little later in the build. Read more

Outer Leading Edge – Part 7

Starting out with the installation of the access panel in the left outer leading edge.  I didn’t technically need to do this since I wasn’t installing a stall warning horn, however I went ahead just in case I decide later to install the stall warning.  Also I figured it was something different for me and I would need to get practice installing an access panel anyway.  (Also never heard anyone say “I really wish I didn’t have that access panel”).

Following the directions it’s an easy enough install.  Cleco the retaining ring on the outside of the skin and drill the corner holes.  Then use the step drill to open it up to the appropriate size.  Cut out the hole along the outer edges of the four holes you drilled.  Easy enough? Read more

Wing Ribs – Part 5

As I had posted earlier this week in the RV-10 facebook page, I finally got bit of motivation from another RV-10 pilot/builder.  He was nice enough to provide me with his wing cradle this past weekend.  I was able to swing by his hangar and swap some stories, ask a bunch of questions, and take a look at his plane while he was starting to preform his condition inspection.  His advice and experience was quite helpful and allowed me to not stress as much over my questions.

Once I got the cradle home, I had to move a few things around and ended up chopping up the spar shipping crate finally so I would have a little more room.  (I’ll be doing more “spring cleaning” in the next few weeks trying to make the garage a bit more functional while I continue to Read more

Outer Leading Edge – Part 5

Now that the right outing leading edge is completed I was able to quickly get through the match drilling and assembly of the left outer leading edge.  My youngest daughter wanted to spend some time with me as well as try to help out.  Poor thing just didn’t have the necessary grip strength to put the clecos in but she did spend some time helping me out.