September has been a VERY busy month and I haven’t had as much time to work on the airplane as I had hoped. Some of this was due to the fact that I finally got to a point where I needed a second person to help rivet a few areas. Just about every weekend in September was booked with family, or personal events so didn’t really have a lot of time to spend in the garage. (See previous post about the B-17)
One thing that stood out in the timelapse was how many times I drilled out rivets that I wasn’t happy with. Honestly, drilling out rivets is no big deal and something that doesn’t get me nervous anymore. I’m sure I didn’t need to drill them all out, but if I was at all questioning a rivet I just drilled it out and replaced it.
Basically got as much solo riveting done as I could before I got one of my old College buddies to come over to help out. At least now I can say I had an Aerospace Engineer help build my plane! Even had to enlist my wife to help me out for some of the last rivets. She was a good sport, but doesn’t really find it enjoyable.